About Us
a few words about
Who We Are
Viki & Peter Edmondson
Viki is a long qualified and experienced veterinary surgeon and continues to offer her services to clients throughout the UK. Every month Viki travels down to the South of England to care for a number of longstanding clients, some of her ‘oldest’ have been with Viki for over a quarter of a century now!
Building up longstanding relationships with people based on trust & mutual respect is an incredibly rewarding part of being a vet and carries you through both the highs and the inevitable lows that accompany animal ownership and the associated veterinary care.
Peter is her long suffering husband who wears many hats in his day to day life….. farmer, practice manager and cook to name a few!
Viki and Peters Surrey Farm which had been home, clinic and general meeting place around the ever-on-the go Aga & kitchen table sold in 2018 and whilst searching for their ideal property they stumbled across the farm in the Scottish Borders, fell in love and took a big step (or leap of faith) into the unknown and have been delighted with their decision no longer resisting the pull of The Borders.
Moving a Managerie
Moving 12 cats, 4 dogs, 4 horses, 2 donkeys and 8 sheep and all the associated paraphernalia to the farm near Hawick is not a move they ever wish to repeat as the logistics and execution required military precision, the goodwill of alot of friends and a very accommodating removals company!
The farm in Cavers is quickly becoming the “Borders” equivalent of the much loved Surrey farm – a constant stream of visitors who without exception marvel at the peace and serenity of this area.
Breast cancer at the start of 2018 for Viki highlighted the fact that life is very precious, you never know what is round the corner and you only regret the things you don’t do.
Viki says having had breast cancer she has found the change of pace of life very liberating and to get away from the 24/7/365 demands of a full time veterinary surgeon has bought new meaning to her life, with more time to share simple pleasures.
In reality Viki & Peter are no less busy, just busy in different directions! The holiday cottages have allowed them to apply their attention to detail and high standards to providing a holiday experience that you will want to return to in different seasons to make the most of the Scottish Borders.